Fuente: 20/03/2024

¿No sabes que puedes hacer al finalizar la ESO?

La Asesoría de Estudios responde a las demandas del alumnado de los centros educativos de Getafe con sesiones en presenciales y la publicación de una Guía gratuita.

<p style='text-align: justify;'><span style='vertical-align: inherit;'><span style='vertical-align: inherit;'>This week concludes the round of orientation talks that, annually, the Siaj Studies Advisory organizes with the purpose of bringing students closer to the possibilities that are presented to them at the end of Compulsory Secondary Education.</span></span></p><br><p style='text-align: justify;'><span style='vertical-align: inherit;'><span style='vertical-align: inherit;'>Technicians from the Education Delegation also participate in the sessions in a joint project. They are taught at the request of the municipal centers that previously request them and are aimed at </span></span><strong><span style='vertical-align: inherit;'><span style='vertical-align: inherit;'>4th year ESO students.</span></span></strong></p><br><p style='text-align: justify;'><strong><span style='vertical-align: inherit;'><span style='vertical-align: inherit;'>In this edition, 750 students from the Satafi, Altair, S. José, Laguna de Joatzel, La Inmaculada, Ignacio Aldecoa and Menendez Pelayo centers participated.</span></span></strong></p><br><p style='text-align: justify;'><span style='color: #000000; background-color: #ffffff;'><span style='vertical-align: inherit;'><span style='vertical-align: inherit;'>To reach all students, not just those who have attended the orientation sessions, the Study Advisory Office publishes the </span><span style='color: #ff9900;'><strong><a href='' target='_blank'><span style='color: #ff9900; background-color: #ffffff;'><span style='vertical-align: inherit;'>Guide “Alternatives for finishing ESO”, you can consult it here </span></span></a></strong></span></span><span style='color: #ff9900;'><strong> <a href='' target='_blank'><span style='color: #ff9900; background-color: #ffffff;'><img alt='' src='/Info/enlace/png-transparent-hyperlink-text-symbol-blog-line-black-and-white-logo.png' height='20' width='20' /></span></a></strong></span></span></p><br><p style='text-align: justify;'><strong><span style='vertical-align: inherit;'><span style='vertical-align: inherit;'>We also remember that, throughout the year, both the Study Advisory Department and the Education Delegation serve young people or families who need more personalized and specific study advice.</span></span></strong></p><br><p style='text-align: justify;'><em><strong><span style='color: #ff00ff;'><span style='vertical-align: inherit;'><span style='vertical-align: inherit;'>SIAJ Studies Advisory, Espacio Getafe Joven, Avda. de las Fuerzas Armadas 8. 91 202 79 91 - 674 269 591 </span></span><a href=''><span style='color: #ff00ff;'><span style='vertical-align: inherit;'><span style='vertical-align: inherit;'></span></span></span></a></span></strong></em></p><br><p><em><strong><span style='color: #ff00ff;'><span style='color: #ff00ff;'><img alt='' src='/Info/2024/b709a643-3fbe-47f3-9e37-19074cfaed5c.jpeg' height='366' width='700' /></span></span></strong></em></p>

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